Wednesday, August 15, 2012

New Novel

Hello! I just decided to post this:

That is a link to my new novel-in-progress. I want some feedback (good or bad) and some encouragement from anyone out there. Thanks :)


Saturday, August 11, 2012

Cute Quotes

This won't be much writing... I just feel like posting a few pictures... or maybe a lot :) All these Images will be from this web page. I promise.

Read this one fully- it's really cute :) 

I hope I squeezed a laugh or awww out of you ;)

Being Girly for Once

If you guys really know me (or if you read my 'about me' in earlier posts) you could probably tell that I'm not the girliest person. You know, video games, attitude, and the fact that I absolutely hate wearing makeup. Yesterday, my friend came over and we had a really great time. We talked about boys and listened to music and drooled over cute celebrities. It was that girly moment that I usually don't have.

Just for the heck of it and because this entry was really short, I'm going to give you the first ten songs that show up on shuffle on my iPod:

Barton Hollow- The Civil Wars
It's Still Rock and Roll to Me- Billy Joel
Someone Like You- Adele
Misery Business- Paramore
We are the Champions- Queen
Gonna Get Over You- Sara Bareilles
Happy- Never Shout Never
Ours- Taylor Swift
We are Young- Fun.
50 Ways to Say Goodbye- Train

Well there you go :) I was bored today, okay?


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These are just some cute quotes. I got it online a while ago so I don't have a link for it... I know I got it from Google though :)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Invisible Movie Explosion

I know I've mentioned my cat, Lulu, to you guys. She's gray with an even darker gray tail, ears and face. Her limbs are dark gray as well, but then turn to white at the paws. She's got mittens! :)
Anyway, my cat has done some pretty weird things in the past. She's gone from lovey-dovey Lulu- wanting me to pet her and jumping on my lap when I stop- to malicious Lulu- attacking my face and hand- in a matter of seconds. I don't know what's causing this. I have a bipolar cat.
I could continue with my cat stories, but there's one in particular that happened just a few minutes ago.
I sat down in my circle chair, finding that it was filled with little stuffed animals that I had thrown there. I pulled them out from under my butt, and threw them on my bed. An unsuspecting Lulu was sitting innocently on the bed, relaxing while I type. The animal landed right at her feet and, startled, she jumped up, flew backwards and landed on the floor on the far side of the bed. Her jump was about a yard backwards and on to the floor. I sat there laughing my butt off and not being able to stop. I walked over to her, still laughing, and picked her up and put her on the bed. She cautiously walked over to the toy with her head bent, wondering just what had scared her so.
If you didn't laugh, this was probably a 'you hadda be there' story :)


picture brought to you by ME!!! Yeah, that's Lulu :)

Fun Fact of the Day:
A group of cats is called a clowder of cats :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Friendship Sealed with String

Recently, I've been getting into crafting. I started a sewing project and I'm making friendship bracelets for all my friends and for myself. And don't laugh. I know you're laughing. Sewing is for old people you say. Well it's stress relieving. I have anxiety problems, okay?
But I'm not here to talk about sewing. Friendship bracelets are what I'm really into right now. I'm slow at it, but with practice, I'll get better.
I asked my mom and my dad if they wanted one and they do. My mom wants one to wear and my dad wants me to make a lanyard for his flashdrive. I'm excited to start on them :)
If any of you share my current excitement for friendship bracelets, shoot me a comment.
I learned everything I know about Friendship bracelet making from this website: . Drop by for some pretty designs and step by step instructions on how to make them.


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About Me and Why I Started this Blog

Alright, here we go. This is the beginning. The beginning of the rest of my life. And it will be amazing. I hope. 

There are two reasons why I started this somewhat pathetic blog:
1)Three people have said to me 'you should start a blog' (in variations of words of course).
2)I felt that this was one of the ways I could express myself. Whether it was posting poems and stories or opinions or even how my day was. I'm sure none of you out there in the world would be interested in my life, but I'm just getting my thoughts down. 

About me: 
You should know that I love animals. So be prepared for a flood of adorable animal photos in the future. I have two dogs-Laci & Buddy- and a beloved cat-Lulu. My animals are my life and I don't know what I would do without them. 
I also love to write. I am a member of and I just might post links to my stories and poems on separate posts if that's what you'd like to see from me :)
I am a gamer. Not the type that plays Halo for hours on end. I like Nintendo (and Sonic the Hedgehog when I'm in the mood). I'm obsessed with all Mario games and my Nintendogs and Nintendogs + cats games. I like Kid Icarus: Uprising for the 3DS as well. Oh yeah, and I dabble in Animal Crossing and I obsess in all Harvest Moon games no matter how old (I still play the gamecube versions, not just the new ones). I could go on and on about how much I play video games, but that would take forever.
Reading-as well as writing- is my passion. If I have a spare moment, I will be reading. Although for the past few days, I haven't had a moment to spare. I've been busy. But I'm trying to fix that. Tonight, I will dedicate at least an hour to Sit, Stay, Slay. Yeah, I also like murder mysteries. They intrigue me. Since we're on the subject of books that intrigue me, you might see me ramble on this particular book series Pendragon. I absolutely love it and if you're looking for a page turning, fast paced, action and adventure packed fantasy book, this is what you should turn to. Beware, if I post something about Pendragon, there may be spoilers. 
Writing that last word in the previous sentence brought thoughts of Doctor Who (spoilers... *cough cough* river song *cough*). I'm a Doctor Who fanatic. Can't wait for the new season in the fall. 

And that's about it... I can't really think of anything else to write about myself. That's the hardest part. I have difficulty writing about myself. I can bring a character to life with personality and wit but when it comes to talking about myself, my mind comes up blank. But I think I handled that about me pretty well, huh? 

If you took time out of your busy hustle and bustle life to read this then take a message from me: Thanks for your time and I really appreciate it :)


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